Fotografie | Photography

I love taking pictures of people in their natural environments, but I do have a studio. Since I love my work, and my work involves books, I often photograph people at bookish events, but over the years I have helped many a model build up a solid portfolio.

My spare time I love to spend in nature, or in the studio to hone my technical skills with difficult photographs.

You may also want to follow my Instagram account.

Voorbeelde van my werk | Examples of my work.

Antjie Krog gehuldig by vanjaar se Tuin van Digters

Die Natalse Middelland is ’n fees

Daar’s ’n hiëna in my truspieël

Breedekloof bekoor die reisiger

Die Sederberg is goed vir die siel

Daar is vir my groot vreugde in die vasvang van die oomblik. Voëls, mense, diere, produkte, dis lekker.