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izak de vries
Resensies en onderhoude
Ek doen gereeld gesprekke oor boeke, films en teaterstukke. Hier is ‘n aantal onlangse skakels.

Izak de Vries
Ek is ‘n boekliefhebber en fotograaf. | I am a book lover and photographer. Ek is joernalis en doen heelwat werk vir LitNet en Voertaal. I am a journalist and do a lot of work for LitNet and Voertaal. Voëls fassineer my. | Birds fascinate me. Die natuur hou my heel. | Nature keeps my…

Kontak | Contact
Izak de Vries E-mail | E-pos: Facebook: Persoonlik | Personal Facebook: Uitgesoekte persbrokkies | Curated press clippings Instagram: The photography page. This one is mostly in English. Instagram: Die leesblad. Die een is meestal in Afrikaans. Mastodon: (The alternative to the T-word) Twitter: @izakdevries

Fotografie | Photography
I love taking pictures of people in their natural environments, but I do have a studio. Since I love my work, and my work involves books, I often photograph people at bookish events, but over the years I have helped many a model build up a solid portfolio. My spare time I love to spend…

Boeke I Books
Sien ook: Resensies en onderhoude Kom slag ‘n bees (Many of the stories in this collection have been translated and are now available in Rites of the Ox.) Wanneer daar bees geslag word, word daar ook feesgevier, dit maak nie saak of in die hartjie van KwaZulul-Natal sit, of iewers op ‘n Afrikaanse plaas nie. Afrikaners…

(Afrikaanse teks is net hieronder) I write, I read, I love, I take pictures I live in Gqeberha. I love books, dogs, cats, photography and quite a few people too! My main clients are LitNet and Voertaal. I am also involved with PEN Afrikaans the Langenhoven Memorial Fund. Whenever I can, I leave the city…